Business and Content Management Team
Full service solutions for creative and service based entrepreneurs
Life is too short to do something that doesn't bring you joy.
We are all perfectly imperfect beings and shouldn't be afraid to show our flaws.
We are meant to embrace the changing seasons of life.
You started your own business not only because you have a deep desire to serve and make an impact, but because you also crave the freedom you hear others in the online community raving about. We want you to spend your time doing work that lights you up, while still having the financial freedom to pursue your dream lifestyle.
Here at Seasons of Growth, we are passionate about supporting your big vision and making it happen. How do we do that? By taking the time to asses all that you currently do in your business - the good, the bad, the ugly - so we can gain clarity on how it is (or isn’t) serving you. We then help you streamline, automate, and systematize. No more opportunities falling through the cracks. No more wishing you had time for new projects.
Delegating the backend work will free your time to focus on things you love doing; the things you should be doing to take your business to the next level.
That is the power of teamwork.
"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives...
It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results."
– Andrew Carnegie
Meet the team
the founder and lead strategist of Seasons of Growth.
I've been working alongside business leaders since earning my Office Administration degree in 2013 and starting my virtual assistance and management services in 2016.
Two things we all have in common: a need for balance between the feminine creative flow and masculine organized structure with a support system to walk with us every step of the way.
Those two things are what I love most about our work together. I thrive when turning business chaos into peace, and I am the most fulfilled when being of service.
As a proud INFP, when I’m not happily glued to my office chair, I'm reading an entire novel in one sitting, binging drama on Netflix, and loving on my family and friends. On a side note, the world needs more Chai Tea Lattes.

Meet JJ, my right hand, business partner, and content publication specialist, who has both a graphic design and mechanical engineering degree and yet chooses to lend their brilliance to us because they enjoy it. They are a tech wiz who hates bio’s and social recognition of any kind. I wouldn’t have a business with out them! So cheers to embarrassing them horribly with this shout out. I couldn’t help myself. - Amanda (cliche #sorrynotsorry)
PS- I did get reluctant permission to put this on the website.
assistant and editor for Seasons of Growth.
I have been a speech/language pathologist for over thirty years. Having my own home-based private practice for much of this time has been very fulfilling and I have gained a lot of experience in the process. My focus for the past twenty years or so has been on serving young children and their families, but I have had clients of all ages. I am moderately fluent in Spanish, and love working with the Hispanic population. Responsibilities cover a wide range, including assisting the child’s family to establish goals and to learn strategies to accomplish those goals, performing evaluations, compiling information in reports, invoicing and contracting, maintaining credentials, and working with a variety of agencies and facilities.
I enjoy writing and have a weekly blog of inspirational reflections and poems and I love family-time and being involved in my church. My newest venture is learning to play the classical guitar. When I’m not helping out here with my daughter Amanda’s business, I look forward to quiet times at home, reading, and caring for my cats and husband!