Pivoting in Business: Cycling Back to the Dreaming Season

amanda's story Mar 06, 2025
Blog Post - Pivoting in Business - Seasons of Growth


Part 1 - My Personal Story

Jump to Part 2 to go straight to business.


The path that brings us here…


For the last several years, I've been maintaining the status quo in my business and casually dreaming about doing more. I love my work, I love my clients, and I want to do more for them and myself; but capacity has been quite low, which is something I struggle with. Why can’t I do more? Have more energy? Focus better? I’m not lazy. I’m not without ambition and motivation. But I haven’t seemed to get myself past an unseen block. I’m ready for change. Do you relate?


Personal Challenges and Growth

I'm in my thirties and have ADHD, PCOS, and fibromyalgia coupled with anxiety and depression. I’ve gone through divorce, had to move back home with my parents (twice), and am navigating the challenges and blessings of motherhood. I am so grateful for government assistance with insurance and groceries. Life can be a struggle bus.


But through these struggles, I'm discovering so many blessings. I'm learning what it really means to let go of "should'ing" myself; i.e., I should be doing this, I should have done that. I'm learning what it truly means to rely on a support system. I'm learning where my weaknesses are and how to use my strengths to navigate them. I'm learning what it means to let go of guilt. I'm learning to love myself and love discovering who I am beneath all of the conditioning and expectations of others. I'm learning to connect my body, mind, and spirit in ways I never have before. I'm learning to connect with God/Creator/Spirit/Source on a deeper level than ever before.


It's a journey, a cycling season of growth...and I'm actively choosing to embrace it, just as my hope for you is to embrace your own cycles of growth.


Reflect on your own journey: What challenges have shaped your path? Share your story in the comments below if you feel so led. We would love to connect with you.


I've known since I was a teenager that I am called to serve; that my life experiences are going to give me the understanding I need to help others navigate their own challenges. I love to learn things and then teach others.


On the practical side of business, I know and love all things administration related: planning, organizing, and creating structures that then allow an easy flow of creativity and passion. I love everything from basic digital tools to strategizing for huge projects. Figuring out how to integrate all of those things is like icing on the cake.


I love working one-on-one with people to grow and brainstorm business ideas while also enjoying the intricacies of leading a support team to follow through on those dreams.


And until recently… I’ve been so focused on serving others and just getting through the day,  I haven't been pursuing, or known how to pursue, my own business growth and expansion.


I’m stepping into a new season of embracing and following through on the giant visions I have been given for my future. It’s all at once exciting and terrifying.


You can read the details of my journey to entrepreneurship here.


IMAGE 2 - PATIENCE IS HARD - Seasons of Growth Blog


The path that leads us forward…


A huge part of me wants to jump in the deep end, go full force in all the things; and the knowledge that I need to wade in slowly is driving me a bit up the wall. I've spent a lot of time in my meditations receiving the direction to proceed, then wait, proceed, then wait.


As I'm writing this, I have the image of God setting a treat out in front of me that I reeeeeally want, and He's training me in trust, patience, and self-control. I cannot have it yet, but I’m learning how to get there in healthy ways. It's maddening and slow and a beautiful process that I really need.


And while Spirit is preparing me, I believe He is also preparing and calling in those who will join me in realizing our big visions together.


And to those people, I say...


I'm so excited for our connections to grow. I'm praying for you and preparing a space for you. I'm looking forward to the time when our seasons of growth align and Spirit shows us what He has planned for us.


Peace be with you. <3


Embracing Seasons of Growth


The really wild part, at least from my perspective, is that as I am pivoting into embracing a coaching and teaching mindset, it's like I am starting my business over from scratch. It feels like I suddenly don’t know anything and am struggling to apply my 8 years of experience with clients to my own business.


I’m learning so much about myself in the process too. 


Like the fact that I am a 4/6 Splenic Manifestor in Human Design. Have you looked into Human Design? It’s incredibly interesting and so far almost laughably accurate for me. More about that later perhaps.


I’m specifically realizing that to move into a new season in my business, I have to move through a season of personal growth. I’m learning to look at life with fresh eyes and be open to new perspectives.


As I mentioned above, I have to be willing to dig into my weaknesses in order to fully embrace my strengths.


It’s… actually quite scary to be honest. I’m constantly going in loops with my health and emotions... showing up to do the work, running or collapsing, and then picking myself back up to do the work again.


I know I’m going to get there. On the other side of this season of expansion, is a season of peace. (Peace being my indicator of true alignment in Human Design.)


Let’s talk about how all of this relates to business and what you’re going to see from Seasons of Growth moving forward. 



Part 2 - Business Intentions


IMAGE 3 - change is scary good - Seasons of Growth


Shifting Mindsets

I had a big mindset shift back when I embraced a management role rather than virtual assistance and completely changed my website and branding. It was a fresh start but built on the foundations I already had.


This new focus does build on my experience, but it's a whole different ball game. Maybe a better analogy is "the next book in the series".


While I am happily continuing business management services, I'm stepping further into the consulting/management role and building a larger support team to serve one-on-one clients. 


I have a feeling it’s going to spark great leaps in both my personal and professional growth, while allowing me to lean into this urge to teach and build community.


Creating a Supportive Space


I have such huge dreams. I'm so excited about creating a space for coaches, mentors, teachers, and service providers to come together and make a difference in the lives of people who are currently where we have previously been.


Ultimately, this space will give not only the technical skill training needed to start your own service or creative business but also the mental, emotional, and spiritual support as well.


It's a huge project that I am at times totally overwhelmed with and also wildly excited about. (In true HD Manifestor fashion.)


We are going to start small and work our way up. At the time of writing this, I am creating a Gentle Scaling 90-Day support group. Check out my website to see if it’s happening now!


As we explore this new path together, I want to share some insights into the framework I'm developing. 


This structure will not only guide my business growth but also serve as a foundation for those I'll be mentoring and supporting along the way.


IMAGE 4 - cycle with the seasons - Seasons of Growth


Let me give you a peek at what’s being built behind the scenes.


The Four Seasons of Growth


Before doing any research on growth stages in business, I was inspired with the vision of a four stage process, based on my own experiences and what I observed in others. The titles of the stages have changed multiple times as I’ve been journaling the concepts for well over a year now… but the core intentions for each season will continue to remain the same.


The really fun thing about these seasons is that we seem to cycle through them continuously and can stay in one stage for days, months, or even years before moving to the next. It doesn’t matter if you are starting a business for the first time or pivoting an existing business like I am… you’ll always cycle back to the Dreaming Season.


Season 1 - Dreaming

We are inspired, desiring change, and seeking direction.


Season 2 - Planning

We are researching and documenting what it will take to turn those dreams into actionable steps.


Season 3 - Growing

We are focused inward on self-growth, committed to learning as we follow through with our plans.


Season 4 - Expanding

We are focused outward on partnerships, realizing new potential, embracing change and the next stage of growth.


Which season resonates most with where you are right now? 


Building a Holistic Business Community

Next, we move to how we show up and serve in these seasons.


I’m so driven towards helping women (anyone really) in need of big life changes and making sure our services are accessible to those of us in the low-income bracket too. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wished I could have a supportive business coach over the years but have been held back by a lack of income. 


I’ve craved a community of like-minded people, and while I’ve somewhat gotten that in free Facebook groups, it usually ends up feeling like we are all there to “market” and “give value” while not necessarily connecting on a more personal level; like we are talking at each other rather than truly engaging. 


I want to create an environment where mentors are gaining as much from the group as the members are. Where the focus is on building lasting connections and supporting each other, with financial success being a natural side effect rather than the focus.


We need a safe space that acknowledges the downfalls of a hustle culture that leads to burnout; a space that encourages the idea of “slow and steady wins the race”, while still promoting accountability and actively working towards goals.


There is a lack of general knowledge about how neurodivergents need to approach things differently, and how we are meant to create a business that fits us rather than trying to fit in a box that neurotypical society has created.


I’ve also seen the need for reducing distractions and consolidating resources into one space.


I’m building a “one-stop shop” for all of these things.


  • Administrative training for everything we need to know to run an online heart-centered business. 
  • Group coaching for work-life balance, personal development, and business growth tailored for the season we are currently in. 
  • A safe community for the atypical to receive support and network.


Embracing Unique Approaches to Business

I want to spark change.


I’m learning about women’s natural cycles and how to work with them instead of against them, the lunar cycles and how they affect us, the seasonal weather cycles and how our work can flow within them to feel more attuned with our environment; I’m even exploring human design and personality types.


I’ve seen a lot of approaches to business and marketing…and I’m just…feeling called to be different. To teach people how to do things differently. When you are in the small solopreneur/entrepreneur business stage, your business should look and feel as unique as you are. Cookie cutters just end up feeling overused and fake.


In my search for a new approach, I’m finding some truly wonderful resources from like-minded people who have been there, embraced the change, lived the change, and are now teaching the change.

I’m super excited to start sharing these resources with you, so stay tuned for more.


In the meantime, I hope I’ve sparked a bit of curiosity in you. If you could change anything about your approach to business and marketing, what would it be?


IMAGE 5 - be the spark - Seasons of Growth


I'm excited to continue this journey with you and can't wait to see how your business blossoms through the seasons.

All the love and support,
Amanda Allen Wyatt
Founder/Owner of Seasons of Growth - Through Life and Business


PS - I’ve used AI to write the conclusion below and then draft a journaling worksheet for you if you’re interested! I edited the worksheet but it did a good job pulling info. Here’s the affiliate link for the AI platform I use, Perplexity AI. (You get a $10 discount)



 As we wrap up, let's recap the key points:


  1. Embracing personal challenges can lead to profound business insights.
  2. Growth happens in cycles, and each season has its unique focus and opportunities.
  3. There's a need for a holistic, inclusive approach to business coaching and community building.
  4. Your business should reflect your unique personality and circumstances, not a cookie-cutter model.


These principles form the core of what I'm building with Seasons of Growth. As we move forward, I invite you to join me in this exciting journey of discovery and transformation.


To start applying these concepts to your own business journey, I've prepared a special journaling worksheet for you, click here.

This worksheet will help you reflect on your current season of growth and set intentions for the path ahead.


Remember, your journey is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach to business success. By understanding your own seasons of growth, you can create a business that truly aligns with your values, strengths, and vision.


If you'd like to access all of my free workbooks and stay updated on new resources, don't forget to sign up for our free resource library below.


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Entrepreneurship Journey, Business Pivot, Seasons of Growth, Online Business Management, Heart-Centered Business, ADHD Entrepreneur, Women in Business, Solopreneur, Creative Entrepreneur, Business Coaching, Community Building, Slow Growth Strategy, Neurodivergent Entrepreneur, Work-Life Balance, Personal Development, Business Strategies, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Business Cycles, Women Supporting Women, Business Growth



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